FUJI Mats & FUJI Sports Collaborate with TCI BJJ to Support Mental Health by Developing Jiu Jitsu Communities
The Twin Cities Invitational (TCI) is not only a BJJ tournament, but an event with a powerful mission. The TCI is a community where individuals come together to appreciate competitive jiu jitsu, enjoy music, and share in the company of like minded friends. Through all-around professionalism, an emphasis on community, and strong teamwork, the TCI brings together like minded sponsors and non-profit organizations to build and grow our community

One goal of the TCI is the support and elevation of the We Defy Foundation (WDF). The WDF directly provides disabled combat veterans with BJJ training as a means to overcome personal hardships and to become involved with a tight knit community. The initiative highlights the importance of social interaction with individuals who have relatable life experiences and utilizes BJJ training for empowerment. Donations made towards the WDF directly aid in providing the opportunity for a veteran to become a part of a community and improve overall health and mental wellness.

FUJI Mats & FUJI Sports are proud to get involved with the event. A donation of high quality mats and custom branded apparel was contributed to further support the event. By providing these assets for the event, FUJI strived to help unify the athletes/staff with matching gear and further establish the sense of community.
Looking to find out more about TCI and their events? Contact them here: https://www.tcibjj.com/contact